Exhibitions and congresses may return to the Moscow region from August 1, 2020


On July 8, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, signed Decree No. 318-PG, containing a list of further steps to remove the time limits associated with coronovirus infection.

This document assumes the possibility of resuming congress and exhibition activities in the Moscow Region as early as August 1, 2020 . The conditions for the resumption of congress and exhibition events are the notification of the regional Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science, as well as local authorities about the readiness of the venue for the operation and compliance with the recommendations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Rights for exhibitions and congresses.

This decision of the regional authorities allows us to expect that next month exhibitions and congresses can return to one of the largest exhibition centers in Russia - Crocus Expo, located in the Moscow region.

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