Takase Tech is a Japanese Company which has developed an innovative and groundbreaking technology for the treatment of urban municipal waste, sanitary waste, biomass and slurry.
Patented and tested Takase Tech technology allows the conversion of waste materials to be economically viable, without requiring government aid or economic incentives.
Additionally, Takase Tech is especially green as it emits no environmentally damaging substances during its operation.
The accumulation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSU) is one of our biggest environmental problems today and a difficult legacy for future generations.
A great part of these residues are incinerated or carried to dumping sites.
Waste management has become one of the main challenges of today’s society.
On average, a person generates around 1.5 Kg of garbage per day. In most cases, the municipal solid waste management ends with its disposal in a dumping site. Other ways of management such as recycling or energy recovery represent even lower levels of use.
The Takase Tech technology converts municipal solid waste into a homogenous product of high added value, similar to a solid combustible, which does not contain heavy metals, chlorine, salts, toxic or pathogenic elements. When burnt, this composition makes it emit less polluting substances than solid fossil fuels (CO2, SOX, NOX, etc.) and NO dioxins or furans.
To find more about innovative and groundbreaking technology for the treatment of urban municipal waste, sanitary waste, biomass and slurry you could if visiting Wasma exhibition that will be held in Moscow from 23 to 25 October 2018.